ORDER FORM - SuperClip 3.25 stn0215 To become a registered user and receive the Professional Edition, fill out this form and mail, e-mail, or fax to AndroSoft 125 N. Prospect Street Washington, NJ 07882 U.S.A. E-mail: 73140.3340@compuserve.com Fax: 908 689 0047 Name_____________________________________________________________ Company________________________________ Dept.____________________ Address________________________________ City_____________________ State_______________ ZIP_______________ Country__________________ Tel.________________ Fax_______________ E-mail___________________ Your version of Windows__________________________________________ Will SuperClip be used on more than one pc or workstation? YES____ NO____ If yes, please enter total number:________ Registration fee is $39.00 for one pc, plus $10.00 for each additional pc or workstation on which SuperClip will be used. Shipping via e-mail: $1. Via first-class air mail: $1 to North America, $2 elsewhere. Additional copies on diskette: $1 each. Residents of New Jersey please include sales tax. Check enclosed____ VISA____ MasterCard____ American Express____ VISA/MC/AmEx#_______________________________ exp.________________ Signature________________________________________________________ Method of delivery: ____ 1. First-class air mail on 3.5" disk. ____ 2. SCLIP-PE.ZIP via e-mail to a CompuServe address. ____ 3. SCLIP-PE.ZIP via e-mail to an America Online address. ____ 4. SCLIP-PE.ZIP via Internet e-mail (requires your e-mail software to have MIME capability, indicated by a line in your message header that begins with "MIME-version:" ____ 5. UU-encoded SCLIP-PE.ZIP via Internet e-mail (requires UUDECODE.EXE utility to recover ZIP file).